Other Projects not on the map:

Spatial Data Archive


Interactive Map and download service demo


Regional Central Florida


Interactive Map using Mapserver (test bed)


Spatial Data Archive Demonstration


Interactive Map and download service demo


St Johns County Northwest Sector Plan


Presentation Graphics


Johns Lake Drainage Basin Study


Submittal Graphics (PDF)


Existing Conditions key map (19MB)


Existing Land Cover 2C (2MB)


Future Land Cover 3C (1MB)


Martha's Vineyard Transportation Study


Report Graphics


U.S.441 Expansion


Appraisal Graphics


S.R. 417 (Greeneway) Extension


Land Planning for Before & After Takings


Aloma Ave Expansion


Appraisal Graphics


Seminole Boatyard


Appraisal Graphics & 3D Visualization


December 2002


Bachelor of Science - Information Studies



Florida State University, Tallahasee, Florida

April 1985


Associate of Science - Construction Technology



Seminole Community College, Sanford, Florida

Corporate Experience

osmoGIS Incorporated; Orlando, Florida
President/Owner Work on applying eCommerce to GIS data distribution.
Programming and Application Design; Using ASP, JSP and Java under Tomcat to design and deliver products and services.
Marketing/Sales; Design, production, and delivery of advertisements for company products and services.
Conference presentations.

Valencia Community College; Orlando, Florida
Adjunct Professor Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Miller Sellen Conner & Walsh; Orlando, Florida
Senior Planning Technician Introduced GIS software (ArcExplorer, Arcview/ArcGIS & AutoCad Map) and data as part of the toolkit.
Lead design group in redesign of submittal packages. Improved the usability of the folded submittal package.
Spearheaded the internal GIS User Group. Responsible for the design and approval of the GIS Data library structure.

Clayton, Roper & Marshall / Magnolia Engineering & Land Planning; Orlando, Florida
Technical Specialist Setup AutoCad Department including standard symbols and a suite of AutoLisp routines that customized AutoCad to increase productivity and enhance graphic appearance.
Documented the custom AutoLisp routines in a handbook for other employees.
Designed, specified, installed and maintained the local area network for the purpose of sharing job files and printers.
Scheduled fieldwork and officework to ensure compliance with deadlines.

Davis & Associates; Orlando, Florida
CAD Draftsman Preparation of site planning documents.
Preparing spreadsheets and databases containing data originating in AutoCad.

Florida Land Design & Engineering; Orlando, Florida
Draftsman Assisted in setup of AutoCad Department including standard symbols and custom AutoLisp routines.
Preparation of Civil Engineering plan sets.

Additional Experience & Education

Advisory Committee for Civil/Surveying Engineering Technology at Valencia Community College , Vice-chair (Nov 2003 - April 2006)

Training on ArcIMS 9.0 (Feb 2004)

Training on ArcView GIS 3.0 (May 1998)

Beta Tester of REMAP Plus for Automated Methods (as of Fall of 1996 - AutoCad MAP)